Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mission to Mars

The Mars Probe Phoenix touched down on the Red Planet yesterday. I was wondering how NASA can control a device on another planet. I work for a company called Minicom that manufactures KVM over IP technology solutions.
We have the ability to access and control the KVM of a server remotely from anywhere in the world. It looks like companies will need to have KVM access and control even on other planets. I was wondering what NASA would do if the probes computer OS crashes? Our KVM can even access a down computer. Do they have a remote KVM way of going to the Bios of the probe to repair it? What if the Probe OS freezes? Can they cut the power to power it down and then add power to restart it? If they don’t they should talk to us about our PowerOnCable solution that can do that via RS-232.

Does NASA have a management system to control a few probes from one central IP address or does the IT department have to remember and re-enter all the passwords and usernames all the time? Minicom Advanced Systems just created a management system called II that can access all servers, serial and network devices via a single IP address from anywhere in the solar system, including targets like video cameras and environmental monitoring devices. We even have IP gateways such as the PX IP Gateway that is ideal for non-blocking 1-to-1 remote access directly to mission critical devices, such as the probe. The PX includes virtual media, power control and absolute mouse synchronization. With our Customized Access Services NASA can create their own customized service using any application, URL, IP address or login method they want. I was thinking that with all of this technology we have become an advanced species to some far off planet. We have become the UFO’s.
Doesn’t that feel good?

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