Sunday, November 18, 2007

10 Things You Never Knew about Minicom's KVM Solutions

Here we are at the halfway mark of the 10 Things You Never Knew about Minicom's KVM solutions.

5) Management really means management is the most intuitive, scalable and adaptable centralized management system available in the world today. Here's how: with Smart IP Access is able to connect to any brand of legacy KVM switch that you already have, which means you save thousands of dollars while you upgade your management. Read the WHITE PAPER to learn more.

The new Smart 116 IP is our latest digital KVM switch. It's enabled, making it ideal for the growing business that needs a high-performance, cost-effective KVM switch today, and centralized management tomorrow. with PX lets any number of users securely and simultaneously access and control any number of servers - without the hassle of "blocked" access.

What if you already operate a number of Minicom's DX matrix systems and want to manage them all under the You can now achieve it with the DXU IP user unit.

And if your data center is a mix of all of the above scenarios? is able to manage all your devices and targets in any combination of scenarios, with Smart IP Access, PX, Smart 116IP and DXU IP and their associated servers, able to work at the same time under the umbrella.

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