Thursday, July 02, 2009

Managed Service Providers Surveyed

Of all our products that are requested from Managed Service Providers, our KVM IP Gateway PX tops the list. This said the results from a survey of MSP’s done by SMB Nation were something I was waiting for.

Take a look at Harry Brelsford’s Blog SMB Dude for the survey results. Some of the questions asked were:
  • What type of managed services are you offering most today?
  • Where do you see the most opportunity to build your managed services portfolio?
  • How much revenue have you generated from your managed services business?

The results from the survey give some interesting insights to the MSP market.

Related Material:
Podcast: PX for the managed service provider (3 min)
PX Interactive Online Product Demo
White Paper: Remote Support Using KVM IP Technology

2 comments so far. What are your thoughts?

James said...

Nice blog and the post seems very informative about Managed Service Providers .
Thanks for sharing the post. Keep posting further....

Unknown said...

If you're not well-versed in IT, these companies Managed Service Provider will be a great benefit to you and will enable you to concentrate on things that you're better at like producing income for your business.